
Update CSS Styles for Web App


In this ficticious exercise, I first asked ChatGPT to create a simple web application that displays educational content. Next, to align the web application with a fictious house style guide, I made some design updates to the web application by using my CSS knowledge (not ChatGPT).

I made the following design updates to the web application:

  • Applied the italic font style to the introductory sentence for each section.
  • Applied bold formatting to the section links.
  • Increased the font size for the header text in the navigation bar to 35 pixels.
  • Applied a top margin of 50 pixels to the h2 headings.
  • Changed the background color where the educational text appears to #f4f4f4.

Web application

⇒ Web application (old)
⇒ Web application (with style updates)
⇒ Updated web application code (in tracked changes)


re:Design Magazine 2011


I collaborated with a small team to create the 2011 edition of re:Design, the annual marketing magazine for the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE). Activities included:

  • Wrote four stories
  • Determined story content and direction
  • Performed in-person interviews and conducted research
  • Synthesized information and then wrote accurate and cohesive news stories such as profile pieces and HCDE department news
  • Shared and obtained team materials using Google Documents
  • Peer-edited teammates' stories while maintaining author's voice
  • Provided teammates with diplomatic feedback for possible story improvements
  • Attended weekly meetings to discuss magazine content and progress

* re:Design Magazine 2011 was selected for a Merit award by the Society for Technical Communication, Puget Sound Chapter. *

Authored Stories


Engineers Without Borders 2010


Collaborated with a small team to develop an informational poster describing how to carry out road maintenance for a dirt road in Bolivia. A further description of the project:

  • Poster designed for residents of a small town in Bolivia
  • Prepared for teaching the residents how to maintain a dirt road to be constructed by Engineers Without Borders
  • Included maintenance instructions for gabion walls, armored crossings, and water ditches
  • Attempted to avoid including in the poster any culturally insensitive language and images

I attended team meetings to ask a subject matter expert questions regarding local culture and to discuss project progress.

Other team members: Robert Racadio, Daniya Ulgen, Brendan Murphy