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Reporting on user permissions and activity

Print the Users report to list the users set up for your agency, the roles assigned to each user, and the permissions granted to each user: Tyler Administration permissions and Tyler CAFR Statement Builder permissions.

A finance manager or system administrator could use this report to review what actions each user is allowed to perform.

To print the Users report, click the Reports button on the Users list page, app bar.


Clear the Include Roles field and Include Permissions field on the Report Options pane to print a simple user status report (active or inactive and last login).

The report is organized in the order users were created and lists whether the user can view, modify, or delete records in each module. The module does not print when no actions are allowed—for example, the user cannot modify, edit, or delete records in the Account Groups module, so the 'AccountGroups' module does not print.

See Also

Managing users

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